The International Journal of Automotive Engineering (IJAE) is an Open Access journal publishing rigorous theoretical and applied research in all areas of automotive engineering. The official journal of the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc., IJAE welcomes submissions from around the world.

IJAE is indexed in SCOPUS.  



IJAE is a journal aiming to publish and electronically disseminate high-quality original papers in all aspects of automotive engineering, technology, and science. IJAE is an effective platform for facilitating the exchange of information on new concepts, methodology, and recent progress in the automotive research and development communities. The Journal is published quarterly (January, April, July, and October) by the Society of Automotive Engineering of Japan, IJAE welcomes submissions from all around the world, especially those that promote information exchange between academia and industry. The main topics are:

  • heat engine and power transmission
  • EV and HV systems
  • vehicle dynamics, vibration, noise, and ride comfort
  • vehicle development and model-based design
  • safety and security
  • human factors engineering
  • thermo/fluid dynamics
  • outside/cabin environment, energy, and resources
  • materials and structural strength
  • manufacturing
  • electronics and control
  • information, communication, and image processing
  • automated and connected vehicles
  • social systems
  • simulation and testing


IJAE is fully Open Access and uses Creative Commons (CC) licenses, which allow users to use, reuse and build upon the material published in the journal without charge or the need to ask prior permission from the publisher or author.

Copyright and licensing

Authors are required to assign all copyrights in the work to the JSAE, who then publish the work under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA). The CC BY-NC-SA license permits the non-commercial distribution, use and reproduction of the article, provided any derivative work is distributed under the same licence, and the journal and authors are credited. Full details about the copyright conditions of the journal are available in the separate policy document.

Waiver policy

Waivers are provided automatically when the corresponding author is from, but priority is given to corresponding authors from a “Group A” Research4Life program country. In cases of demonstrated financial hardship, the journal will consider a pre-submission application for a waiver from any corresponding author. Applications cannot be made after the peer review process has started.

The ability of an author to pay the APC does not influence editorial decisions. To avoid any possibility of undue influence, Editors involved with the decision-making process for articles are not involved in any deliberations on waivers.

Advertisement Policy

IJAE does not accept advertising from any commercial entities to avoid potential conflicts of interest in editorial decision-making and to avoid advertisements by companies with potentially competing interests appearing alongside articles published in the journal.



  Pongsathorn RAKSINCHAROENSAKTokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (Tokyo, Japan)

Associate Editors

  Motoyuki AKAMATSU,
           National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and  Technology (AIST) (Ibaraki, Japan)
  Tokihiko AKITA,   
Toyota Technological Institute (Aichi, Japan)
  Masataka ARAI
Gunma University (Gunma, Japan)
  Shinichiro HORIUCHI,  
Nihon University (Tokyo, Japan)
  Norimasa IIDA,   Keio University (Kanagawa, Japan)
  Akira IIJIMA,   Nihon University (Tokyo, Japan)
  Masao ISHIHAMA,  
Kanagawa University (Kanagawa, Japan)
,   Kyoto University (Kyoto, Japan)
  Itsuhei KOHRI,   Tokyo City University (Tokyo, Japan)
  Hidenori KURAHASHI,   Honda Motor (Tokyo, Japan)
  Tsutomu MATSUMOTO,   Yokohama National University (Kanagawa, Japan)
  Kouji MIZUNO,   Nagoya University (Aichi, Japan)
  Yasukazu SATO,  
Yokohama National University (Kanagawa, Japan)
  Atsushi SUGETA
,   Hiroshima University (Hiroshima, Japan)
  Keisuke SUZUKI,   Kagawa University (Kagawa, Japan)
  Yuichiro TABUCHI
,   Nissan Motor (Kanagawa, Japan)



Gursaran D. MATHUR,   Highly Marelli (U.S.A.)
Karsten STAHL,   Technical University of Munich (Germany)
Manfred PLÖCHL,   Technische Universität Wien (Austria)
Bo-Chiuan CHEN,   National Taipei University of Technology (Taipei)
Keqiang LI,   Tsinghua University (China)
Simona Silvia MEROLA,   Istituto Motori CNR (Italy)
Roman HENZE,   Technische Universität Braunschweig (Germany)
Chris MI,   San Diego State University (U.S.A.)


The Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan
PR,IT system, & DP Divison
10-2 Gobancho, Chiyoda-KU, Tokyo, 102-0076 Japan
E-mail: ijae[at]   Fax: +81-3-3261-2204