Since 2020, IJAE articles have been publishing under the Creative Commons License (CC License), which differs from the previous “All Right Reserved” license. CC License is more like a ’some rights reserved’ license, which allows users to use article contents without prior permission under specific conditions, and has become the ‘de facto’ global standard for open access scholarly journals. By making articles published in IJAE open-access, we expect an increase in the number of citations and readership of the articles.

For more information on the Creative Commons License (CC License), please refer to the following

(FAQ site of Creative Commons Japan (CCJP))

IJAE aims to be included in DOAJ, a directory of journals compliant with the CC license, and journals included in DOAJ are recognized internationally as legitimate open access journals.

(Official DOAJ website)

In order for the Journal to be included in DOAJ, all articles published in the journal must be transferred to the following CC license. The transition to the CC license takes place on March 31, 2022

Vol. 1, No. 1 – Vol. 12, No. 1

The new license will be BY-NC-SA, the same as that currently applied license to IJAE.

The Society believes that there will be no particular disadvantage to authors as a result of this change to the CC license. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact us at the following address.


Below is a summary of questions and answers that may be expected in connection with this transition to the CC license. The following Q&A will be enhanced in light of the questions we may receive in the future.

Q1: What will happen to the authors’ copyrights by agreeing to the CC license?

A1: Authors continue to retain copyrights and are free to use their own work. Authors will grant the other users the permission to use their works within the scope permitted by the CC license.

Q2: If I do not agree with the CC license, can I submit my work to IJAE under a different license?

A2: No. You must agree to CC license (BY-NC-SA*) to submit a manuscript to IJAE.(*If any of the BY-NC-SA licensed parts of the article is credited for a secondary use, for non-commercial purposes, or when the work is modified, it must be published under the same combination of CC license as the original work)

Q3: My article was published in IJAE before the journal changed to CC license; it seems that the CC license BY-NC-SA allows modification, but I don’t want my work to be modified. What kind of measures can I take?

A3: The CC license variation also includes “No modification allowed.” If you do not wish to modify the articles published in Vol. 1, No. 1 to Vol. 12, No. 1, you may choose the CC license type “BY-NC-ND: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivative (a CC license that allows the work to be freely redistributed provided that the original author’s credit (name, title, etc.) is given, the work is for non-commercial purposes, and the original work is not altered)”. If you wish BY-NC-ND for your published article, please contact the editorial office via email:

Q4: At an academic conference, I have presented the same content published in IJAE in Japanese. Will the CC license be applied to the Japanese version of the paper also?

A4: No. It also does not apply retroactively to previous publications (or versions) of the same paper.Due to the revision of the Instruction for Authors for English papers, proceeding papers in English that are presented at the Annual Meetings are no longer accepted for publication in IAJE.